It's potentially the most dreaded time of the year- for our northern hemishphere mates, it means sub-zero degrees and constant shovelling and our southern hemisphere mates, it means... well it's just cold! The days get shorter and the mornings are crisp, meaning that none of us want to get out of our warm, snug beds and do anything, let alone go to work, go for our run or in extreme cases walk to the kitchen to make breakfast (extreme cases). But once we get past the negativity towards winter, we enter a realm of love, warmth (we know.. warmth in winter?!) and total appreciation for the season!
1. Running perception- you run faster in winter?
Although physiological studies have indicated a general DECREASE in performance in colder weather, psychologically there's definitely a greater drive to run faster in winter (we think). Running in the crisp morning air means that the minute you leave the house, you want to get home and out of the cold. Not only does this drive you to run that little bit faster, but also makes you less prone to temperature-induced fatigue. We all know that one of the main contributors to fatigue is heat- you become dehydrated faster and lose an immense amount of electrolytes resulting in a slower pace and exhaustion in the long run. Running in winter means that your heat production is limited (to some extent) by the cold, resulting in a much more comfortable and enjoyable run- which may encourage you to run faster!
2. Winter is warm
Despite what the weather is doing or what the temperature is outside, winter is totally warm! It's that time of the year where we snuggle up in blankets, sit around fireplaces and eat a years worth of warm, wholesome soup! It's the only time that we are comfortably, internally warm. Summer is HOT whereas winter is WARM- there's a difference!
3. We can control our temperature
When it gets unbearably hot, there's so much we can do to cool ourselves down. There are so many layers of clothing that we can take off and so much water we can use to hose ourselves down. The only solution is to sit, semi-naked (or fully, completely up to you) under a fan or air conditioner until our core temperature goes down enough for us to be able to walk to the kitchen without working up a sweat. In winter however, combatting the cold means simply wearing more layers! Functioning is still optimal and you can move around freely with a good quality down jacket these days!
4. We can be more fashionable
Stemming from being able to more layers, the need to wear more clothes to keep warm means that we get to WEAR MORE CLOTHES. With more items of clothing to work with our options for mixing n match(a)ing are endless and our needs for colour coordination can be met! We can accessories with gloves, scarfs, long socks, beanies and even pashmina's if we're feeling it! We all love to dress to impress once in a while, it makes us feel good, consolidates our identity and inspires others to do the same! #trendy #indie #hipster #fashionista #winter
5. Food and drink (think latte's... the Matcha variety)
A huge bowl of hot soup, lattes (now serving beetroot, mushroom, matcha, carrot, apple pie, turmeric AND winter tonics at Matcha Mylkbar!!), hot chocolates, toasted marshmallows, curries, teas, warm bread, roasts, beef straganoff, gluhwein, .. the collection of winter foods are both wholesome, versatile and extravagant! We love it!

6. Catching the sunrise
For some of us it's a bucket list thing to do.. and is totally more achievable in winter when the sun rises later! It means we don't have to wake up at 5:30am to climb onto the roof, get in a hot air balloon or just look out the window and enjoy one of the most beautiful artworks that mother nature has to offer! Start your day with a glimpse of the sunrise, sipping in a warm cuppa and you'll never go a 'miserable' winters day in your life!

7. Snow days
NO SCHOOL AND NO WORK! That pretty much speaks for itself.
8. Speedier metabolism
Science has shown that there's a minor (but still, it's there!) increase in basal metabolic rate (the calories burnt just doing day to day things) as mechanisms in your body work to keep your core temperature at optimal range- 37C. Shivering, and increased work by your body to keep yourself warm burns a few more calories during the day- that never hurt anyone right?!
9. Save water
You don't see people watering their gardens in winter. That's because they don't have to! Another thing we just need to thank mother nature for. Torrential rain, showers, storms, snow, they all work in some way to keep our soil moist and our plants alive! You may find that your water bills lower that little bit, but more importantly, you're doing a justice to the world (especially in areas affected by drought) without even having to try!
10. Family time
For some of us, winter time means Christmas and New Years- potentially two of the most family friendly events on the calendar. It brings families together and is the one time of the year where wearing matching Christmas sweaters and wearing deer ears are not frowned upon! It's a time where family rivalry both accentuates and deteriorates. Traditional "who can eat the most roasted potatoes" competitions occur and any tension within the family, relieved. Winter brings families closer together even if it is a result of just bonding over the cold. It's a time of love, laughter, cooking and really just spending quality time with our families... something that a lot of us don't do enough of these days.
That's why WE love winter.