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Matcha Mate: Olympia Valance

Our beautiful friend and rising superstar, Olympia Valance, of 
Neighbours fame has recently come back from a whirlwind trip to the UK to shoot the new lingerie range for Gossard UK (with her very own range coming out soon)! Matcha Maiden LOVES sitting down with Olympia and picking her brain about how she keeps in shape for her television and promotional duties, how she deals with her action-packed, exciting, celebrity-filled life on and off set, and how most of the time she's actually just a regular girl who loves regular things and is more down to earth than you could ever imagine. Since we find her endlessly interesting, we thought you might too... Here's what happened when we sat down with this goddess.

1. You’ve just shot the new Gossard UK lingerie range… How do you keep your body in shape?

I like to mix it up and try and get outdoors as much as possible, sometimes it might just be taking my dog George for a walk or trying to squeeze a run in after work.

2. When it’s cold and wintry, what keeps you motivated to get up and workout?

Having to be in my bathers all the time, is some serious motivation!

3. What food item could you absolutely not live without?

Avocado! I could literally eat it with or on anything.

4. Do you ever eat junk food? If so, what's your weakness?

 Nandos is always my go to, there's nothing better than some peri peri chicken.

5. Do you like eating out or prefer to cook? What's your favourite cuisine?

Nandos is always my go to, there's nothing better than some peri peri chickenI love the experience of going out for dinner with friends and family and trying new cuisines but I also love pottering around in the kitchen and cooking up a feast. My favourite cuisine would have to be Vietnamese!

6. What's your favourite matcha related recipe?

Matthew Butcher from Morris Jones makes a mean matcha dessert.



7. Name the weirdest/most unique thing about you.

My fat little toes, they're very 'unique'...

8. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Skydiving in New Zealand, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

9. Describe your happy place.

It's a little place I like to call the cocoon.. It's basically my giant bed with my dog, boyfriend and scented candles. When I ever just need to wind down, that's my happy place.

10. Did you always know this was where you'd end up?

I've always been an ambitious person and I aspired for my career to head in this direction but I could never have imagined that this is where I would be today!

11. What’s the best, worst and weirdest parts of being famous?

That's difficult. I think I am yet to have an experience that I would say is the 'worst' thing about being the famous, I still am just enjoying the ride! The weirdest I think would be the instant connection I have had with so many people around the world, the power of social media amazes me. I honestly would say the best thing about being famous is the entire experience in itself.

12. Who were or are your idols / role models? What’s your best advice to people whose role model is you?

Hands down my role model is and always will be my mum. She inspires me every day to be the most honest and caring person I can be, just like her. My best advice is love the skin you're in!

Follow Olympia on instagram (@olympiavalance), Twitter, and Facebook.

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